Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cloth Diapering...Yeah, It's Addictive

I popped into Hancock Fabrics today with cotton flannel on my mind. I wanted to get a cute print that I could sew up into large squares for flat diapers. I wanted something gender neutral and yet not boring.  Something that said "I'm a diaper" not "This kid's mom can't match his top and bottom clothes together." I first found a great diaper pin print; super cute with many colors. Downside: $7.00 a yard :-\  Another section of flannel prints was priced at $7.00 a yard, but was on sale for 50% off, which made it the cheapest flannel in the entire store. I found a print that fit my requirements, and purchased the remainder of the bolt (about 4 yards) for about $14.00. Yay!

I plan to start sewing tonight, then send my new dipes through a few hot wash cycles to fluff 'em up, and begin diapering Declan (14 months old, can you believe it!) with them tomorrow. I researched (extensively) online, and have decided on these dimensions for my flats: 31.5" by 31.5", which reportedly, should shrink down to approximately 28" by 28". I've cut into my fabric already, and I have enough flannel to make 6 flats and a few cloth wipes from the scraps. I don't have a serger (sigh...someday...) so I plan to zig zag AND straight stitch the edges to prevent them from fraying. I have yards and yards of edging to sew, so I better get to it, if I want to wash them tonight!

P.S. In case you were curious, I much prefer good ole' diaper pins to Snappies, and I will be using this fold with my flats. It turns out very trim around baby's legs and multi-layered up front, where it counts. More on flat folds and use in a later post!

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