Monday, October 20, 2014

My Brother's Wedding...3 Years Ago!!!

Are these the pictures of my brother's wedding reception that I promised to post over THREE YEARS AGO?!

Yep, they are.  (Oops.)  Please enjoy them even though they are a tad late.  I just found these pictures in a blank post still listed as a draft in my Blogger dashboard.

3 Year Old Caitlin Joy.

My brother Craig and his lovely bride Kayla.
They have two kids now!
Wow, time flies.

My Blog Signature

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Too Good to be Called Grain Free (But They Are!)

First, I just have to say that out of desperation, I am using my tablet's camera right now.  Ask me how I feel about that (maybe don't.)  Any-who, my phone is on the fritz due to some unfortunate "phone-flashing-by-the-mobile-phone-obsessed-hubs-gone-horribly-wrong" (don't ask about that either while we're at it.)  So.....bad quality pictures.  REALLY bad quality pictures.  But better than none.  And, to add insult to injury, my Blogger app is randomly cutting some of my pictures in half.  Like the ones with cute babies in them.  Whatever, Blogger.  Whatever.  Okay, my disclaimer is over, now on to the good stuff!

Today, the kids and I made some orange play dough, and for fun I added some ground cinnamon and ground cloves.  It smelled super good and we nicknamed it "Pumpkin Pie Playdough."  That lovely aroma reminded me of some molasses cookies I made once.  Except, I am trying to limit my carbs now, so the dilemma.  Insert a little Googling and I happened upon this dream of a recipe:

I only tweaked the recipe a tad, because I don't keep unsalted butter on hand, and I was low on ghee, and I also didn't have any Celtic sea salt.  So, I just used salted butter and omitted the added salt in the recipe.  Now you know, for full disclosure and all that.

Now, I know that everyone says their particular fake-it-make-it-healthier recipe is so good, but this is not even my own recipe and I am honestly saying THEY ARE SO GOOD!  I sort of ate three of them in pretty quick succession before I got ahold of myself.  (Whoa, lower carb, not no carb!)  Better watch yourself with these little goodies.  They are tasty.  Make 'em, eat 'em, share 'em.  Don't tell a soul that they are paleo/grain free/gluten free until after they beg you for the recipe.

Happy sweet snacking :-)

Monday, October 13, 2014

54 Cents a Pound

At that price, I bought a big box full.  Then I scrubbed, rinsed, peeled, cored, sliced, chopped, blanched, and froze several dozen apples. Braeburns, if you are curious. It took most of the morning, but now I have two gallon sized ziploc bags full to the brim in our big freezer. Next time we feel like a pie, all I have to make is the crust.  Sweet :-)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Funny Conversations with My Kids

Caitlin: (playing with Evelyn) "This is my oldest baby."
Aiden:  "Where is your other baby?"
Caitlin:  "Oh, she's sleeping."
Me:  "Yeah, which is a miracle considering all of the noise you guys were making earlier."
Aiden:  "Yeah, it's amazing. Brianna is actually an amazing baby, because she was born on New Year's Eve.
(Then in a whisper)  "That's the day Jesus was born."

Monday, October 6, 2014

Choo Choo!

We are chugging along here with homeschooling at our house. I will try to remember to do a catch-up post soon, to fill in the biggest blanks of my absence from this blog. For now, I will just blog about where we are at.

Aiden turned seven in September and started his first grade school year at home on July first. Caitlin is five, and started her kindergarten year on July first as well. Declan turned four in August,  and he is along for the homeschool fun when he shows interest,  and when he does not, he gets to be a little kid,  imagining and playing for at least another year (maybe two) until I feel he is ready to begin his formal education.

I am not using a formal curriculum this year (we purchased and tried out an all-encompassing package from Sonlight the year before last, and felt overwhelmed by it.) No, this year, I am piecing things together from here and there, with my handy printouts of the California State Standards for Kindergarten,  First, and Second grades as my guides.

I love it this way.

I sketch out a rough lesson plan everyday for the following day, based on what we've accomplished today, and what I think needs repeating/skipping, etc. I do not feel overwhelmed or overscheduled by doing things this way.  If someone "gets it," then we move on. If someone needs to take a break from a difficult new concept,  then we move on to the next subject, and revisit the former one afresh in the morning.

I have changed things up today by setting up our folding table in the kids' room for school (we usually do school at our kitchen table.)  I put a baby gate up in the hallway, and got the Lincoln Logs down for the three littles to play with while the big kids work on their lessons.  This way, I can supervise everyone, the toys stay in the kids' bedroom (a house rule), toddlers and babies can't crawl/wander off into parts unknown to rummage through things that they shouldn't,  and the big kids can't slack off and book it from the table when I am helping/chasing the littles, because we are all in the same room.

So, Ha.

I am also praying that this helps the house stay tidier.  Can you pray for that, too? We need lots of prayer for that.

The littles that I didn't mention in detail yet are Evelyn, who just turned two in September, is sharp as a tack, loves to play "mommy" with her dollies, and is very entertaining besides........and........

Wait for it.........Brianna!

Yes, I've actually been absent from blogland for so long that I've had another baby since my last post.
Wow. (I'm not the only one who's ever done that, right? I mean, has anyone?)

Well, we did have another baby after Evelyn; fifteen months after Evelyn, to be exact.  Yep, a plump little cutie pie who ended up being my first "anti-jka" pregnancy (look it up, it's legit...and complicated) which meant lots of extra blood tests, ultrasounds, appointments with various specialists, and sobfests on my part. Such a stressful time full of unknowns.  So, we named her Brianna Faith. Brianna is an Irish name meaning "strong", and Faith was something of ours that was stretched and which grew tremendously during that time.

Brianna was also my first c-section baby.  When the OB nurse checked my cervical dilation,  she decided I was seven centimeters; she also decided that what she felt did not feel like a baby's head, but something of which she was not quite sure! After another nurse checking, and finally my personal OB checking, the latter performed an ultrasound in the delivery room and confirmed that baby's presenting part was, in fact, her bum.  Oops! It wasn't that way a few days before at my last check up! Oh well, off to the OR for an emergency c-section. The whole thing was a total miracle, and we're amazed at how blessed we are that she was born perfectly healthy.

Now that we're mostly caught up, here are a few pictures to wrap up this long overdue post:

Caitlin giving a wave.

"See my drawing, it's the Tower of Babel!"

Declan is building his out of Lincoln Logs.

Matching haircuts for the boys.

Brianna banana.

Caitlin Joy.
