I popped in and updated my tickers today; you may have noticed that our youngest, Declan, recently turned 2, and our oldest, Aiden, turned 5 on Labor Day. Did you also notice my pregnancy ticker? No need to update that, because it is indeed current, and yes, I really am 40 weeks and 4 days preggo, but if you've been reading since my last pregnancy, then you know that's nothing new for me, right? As in, our last baby was 16(!) days overdue when we finally used that old tried and true castor oil method of home induction. Well, it worked then when I was 42+ weeks, but we've tried it twice this time in as many weeks, with the expected gastric results and some contractions...that fizzled out after a few hours and were never very strong to begin with.
I find myself the watched pot that never boils.....again. Hopefully that changes soon, because we are eager to meet our lovely little lady, and I dream of sitting/walking/sleeping/existing normally again. I will keep you all posted should there be any updates in this area...
In other news, Aiden started kindergarten in August! He is doing well, coming home with tales of new songs, friends, and the usual kindergarten activities. If you've followed my blog for awhile, you'll know that we had taken a homeschooling approach up to this point. Well, with the new baby coming and all, we decided to utilize our local public school for this school year, and....see how it goes. We have also discussed (and agonized) in great length the many social implications of public schooling (both good and bad) and those feelings have certainly impacted our decision as much, if not more than the convenience of some one else teaching Aiden while I am caring for a newborn. I am continuing to encourage learning in our everyday life together (maybe I'm just a geeky fact-lover, but I've always explained the why and how of the world and life in general to my children, in age-appropriate terms, of course.) We still do crafts and school-type activities at home like we've always done, though I am gearing things to stay in line with his kindergarten curriculum when necessary. For example, Aiden's school teaches Modern Manuscript Handwriting, which transitions more easily into cursive. I wish I could've anticipated this little detail before I had taught Aiden to write in what his teacher refers to as "ball and stick" letters. Oh well, the kid will be diversified, right?
Another development over this summer, is that I finally decided it was time that I learn to knit...so I did! I've always wanted to knit and used to pretend to do so when I was a young girl. I checked out multiple beginning knitting books from my local public library (for free of course! Sweet!) including the ever helpful "Knitting for Dummies." It has been a process which I am sure will continue for a long time, since I am nowhere near ready to knit up a lovely lacy cardigan like I dream of doing someday, but I have knit a few pairs of mittens for the children from a booklet I picked up at JoAnn's. I agree with other knitters that, once you have the basic rhythm down, knitting is very relaxing and satisfying as you create an entirely new and unique textile. In short, I have found a new hobby that I love, and I would encourage anyone to pursue their dreams of learning a new skill, no matter your age, or the skill level required. (Hey, they probably have "Rocket Science for Dummies", so why not give it a try?)
That is all for now, though I'm sure I've left alot out, so when they come to me, I will add more updates of our summer adventures. And I promise to add some pictures of all of this fun eventually...where's my camera?....and certainly will write a prompt blog post when this baby comes out....someday. : )
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