Monday, August 2, 2010

The Watched Pot

My husband called from work today, telling me that he'd be finishing at work early and that he has tomorrow off.  He also politely asked me to "get cooking" (the baby) and that his boss had hinted that it would be great if I had the baby soon, since the next few work days were going to be slow.  My mother also called today "just to see how I was doing" and after she was thoroughly convinced that I was not in labor, she quickly scooted off of the phone.

So, I am officially the watched pot.

The other day, I finished the last of my sewing projects that I really wanted to complete before the baby was born.  I switched off my sewing machine, threw my hands up, and said: "Okay, now I can have this baby!"  I have to admit that I sort of expected to go into labor that night (I usually wake up around 3 am in labor.)  I was a little surprised and disappointed to wake up the next morning having no contractions, and still just as pregnant as ever.  Perhaps I was under some subconscious egotistical illusion that I was able to hold the baby back until I had finished my "To Do List."

Well, it appears that I have no control over when the baby comes after all, (although, if I had the baby tomorrow, he/she would be born on my Grandma's birthday and I think that would be a great gift, don't you?)  I'll let you know if that happens, but don't get your hopes up : )  So I am mostly trying to stick close to the home front, and keep myself busy (but not so busy that I get overtired) and keep up with laundry and all of my usual chores so that everything will be in order for when the baby comes.  I have to admit, I can't help but watch the ticking clock myself...

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  1. Well, since my labors were always stopped by medical professionals due to pre-term labor and I was refrained from doing anything to put me into labor with both children until my C-section dates, I never got to try these suggestions that seen to of worked from my girlfriends -

    1. Eat eggplant, lots of eggplant. It was on Oprah many years ago as a suggestion with many testimonies of success. You can make little pizzas out of it. I think that worked for your Aunt Debbie with Zach - but not sure if I am confusing her with someone else. Recipe will follow.

    2. Have marital relations - Again many friends swear by that and I have heard medical professionals advise that. I know that was #1 on the list for me NOT to during my 10 weeks of pre-term labor status. So if that is the top things to NOT do, then it must be the top thing to do if you want to go into labor.

    3. Walk, Walk, and Walk some more - that does not have as much success rate as the two above - but worth a shot.

    4. Don't watch the pot. You know the saying goes, "A watched pot never boils".

    Good luck and safe delivery for both mother and baby.

    Recipe: Eggplant Pizza
    Preheat oven to 350
    Cut eggplant into 1 inch thick rounds
    Brush with olive oil
    Bake for 15 minutes and take out of oven
    Spoon pizza sauce on rounds
    Sprinkle cheese
    Add favorite topping
    Place back in oven for 7-10 minutes

  2. That is a neat story and how special it is that you were able to have that for your kids so far. I should do the same for Holly and Heidi.
    I have the same "money shots" - not 3D though, just 2D. We did not want to truly know what the kids looked like until they came out. I had a ton of 3D ultra sounds of Heidi until she was 36 weeks due to all my complications (every two weeks for about 13 weeks), but I always looked away when they got to the face and asked to only get the prints of the 2D. The same went for Holly. I kept getting ultrasounds until she was 38 weeks due to complications and her breech presentation. It was neat to get to see them all warm and cramped in the safety of the womb - if would have only realized that was the safest place for them in the whole world. I was always so worried and wanted them to be in my arms so I could breathe a sigh of relief and . . . to quit throwing up. :-)
    Just enjoy these last days of being a very pregnant woman. People seem kinder and more compassionate when you are really pregnant and enjoy those final kicks and bumps. You will miss that - no matter how miserable you are now and trust me I wish I would have cherished it more with Heidi since she was my last kiddo. I was so worried and exhausted from my hard pregnancy that all I wanted to do was just get her out. Cherish every last moment –

  3. Arin- Thanks for the advice. Although I must say that I ascribe to the philosophy that labor should start absolutely on its own, and it will, when the baby is ready. Although I became impatient with my first two, I never actually did anything to try to kickstart labor. The funny thing is that with both of my kiddos, I woke up around 3:30 am, unable to sleep anymore because I was having contractions; so now, each night as I go to bed, I kinda wonder: Is tonight the night? Am I gonna wake up in the middle of the night contracting? Another incentive to go to bed on time- it's no fun laboring on only a few hours of sleep, like with Caitlin. We prob went to bed around midnight the night before she was born (we stayed late visiting at Grandma & Grandpa's.) I woke up around 3:30 am in labor, labored all day, and Caitlin was born at 11:45 that night. I was so exhausted. Until afterwards- then I was exhilarated and couldn't sleep in the hospital! I was stuck waiting until visitor's hours when Tim could come back (I was in a double room, so they made Tim leave.) Anyways, maybe it will be like with Caitlin, and I'll wake up around 3:30 tomorrow morning on my due date, in labor. That'd be great! I'm totally ready! In case that does happen, I should think about going to bed now.

  4. Good for you for holding out till the baby is ready. Not many can do that. Hopefully baby # 3 is like the others, but sometimes these kids have a mind of their own. I know both of my kids did. Holly was happy being in the Budah breech position till the end and Heidi was breech until week 33/34 and then turned. I thought she was going to be like her sister. After she turned that I had a new appreciation for the pressure that women talk about when the baby is really low and head down. Since my cervix was super short, she dropped the minute she turned and I started to eface and dialate right away. I felt like she was going to fall out on the floor with every step – good thing I was on bed rest most of that time. :-)
    I am still pulling for the 9th! Scott’s b-day is on the 6th, so hold your legs closed that date since you don’t want you precious angel to share a b-day with the “creep” – that is what Deb has called him fro 25 years. :-)
