Corey Michael was born on September 17th, 2015 and is four weeks old today. Apparently, I am the biggest procrastinator and/or liar, in that I never post any of my babies' birth stories, even though I promise you all on here that I will. Like, every time we have a baby. So sorry. Character flaw. Love me anyway (please?) So, don't expect one for Corey, at least not for years and years, or until all the kids are out of diapers.....or in college :-)
Before I sign off and rush to pick up my husband from work (this post took longer than I thought!) I wanted to share that I joined a Mom's Bible Study today! Yay me! We are using this book:
I am excited to connect with other moms at our new church campus (since we moved.)
Lastly, a parting shot of my beautiful and amazing children. My breath catches a little in my throat when I look at this picture and realize that God gave me all of these cuties. I don't deserve them, and my cup overflows. Til next time, lovely readers.