We are 19 weeks into this pregnancy and it is highly likely that this lovely chica could be born on my oldest son's 5th birthday: September 3rd, which ironically, lands on "Labor" Day this year, like it did 5 years ago when I labored with my first babe.
In other news, we had a lovely Easter weekend filled with church, a lunch at home with ham, King's Hawaiian rolls, cranberry jelly, sparkling apple/grape cider, and other delicious things, followed by some yard work. Yes, yard work, as in we have laid down grass sod in most of our apartment back yard. All fall and winter we have had a mud hole back there and it was not pretty and quite messy for the children to play in (not that they minded, lol.) We are so pleased with the results and my husband Tim even cut the sod's edge in a beautiful curve, and left a strip along the fence for a flower bed, and a nice little rectangle for my future vegetable garden- squeal! So, once the flower bed is planted, and my white picket garden fence (and gate!) are in, I will post pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Until then, the unfolded laundry is beckoning, and I hear a suspicious noise coming from a toddler, in the direction of my room. Gotta go!