But No More!
We now have high speed internet in our home like we once did. We cut back on bills over a year ago but now feel confident that we can add this wonderful luxury back into our budget. Yay! So, bring on the blogging and commenting and picture posting and life sharing and...hee hee....run on sentences : )
Here are some family photos to fill in the gaps:
In November, I became a first time auntie by my brother and his lovely wife. Here is Aiden holding Baby Maxwell, only a few days old in this photo.
Visiting the pigs (full grown now, and actually, they were butchered on Monday) that Tim's parents and brothers raise for meat.
Aiden, Caitlin, and I atop a large granite boulder on Tim's parents' property. In my lap is the beloved Molly, their family dog, raised from a pup. She was killed by a wild animal on their property late last year. It broke all our hearts.
Christmas morning at Grammie and Grampie's. Much fun, eating of good things, exchanging of gifts, and great games of Settlers of Catan were had by all during this visit.
I love this picture of Declan : )
Caitlin Joy
On a nature walk.
Aiden at Grammie and Grampie's this past Friday evening.
Caitlin's turn to pose.
Here we all are at a home and garden show just yesterday.