I feel as if I am coming to the end of a long, extended weekend. A not-so-brief overview: Some of my husband's family were in town over the weekend (actually in the foothills about 1 hour away) and we went up there to visit once on Saturday and once on Sunday. It was nice to visit with everyone, but it made for late night drives home and not much sleep for everyone (mainly me).
On Sunday afternoon, while shopping at Costco, I received a call from my dad that my great grandfather had passed away. It was not entirely unexpected since his health has been poor for the last several years, but the news still came as a bit of a shock. My great grandmother (a very special and sweet old lady) passed before him, about 5 1/2 years ago, and their home has been an epicenter for family gatherings for as long as I can remember. Even though I wasn't very close to my great grandfather, his passing will surely bring about the sale of his memorable home. I find that I am struggling with this the most. Even when my great grandmother passed, I didn't feel like I lost all of her, because I was still able to come to the home where I had spent so much time with her. Now, that home will not be a part of my life any longer, and it feels like I am losing more than just a great grandparent. It feels like I am losing a part of my past; a place that holds many special memories for me. I might post more about this in the coming days and weeks.
On Sunday evening we attended a Baccalaureate service for one of my brothers-in-law, who will be graduating from high school tomorrow. It was a nice service, but with such a shook up schedule, the kids had a hard time sitting the entire time. I walked Caitlin around for a while and towards the end, Tim and Aiden joined us and we sat on the grass behind everyone.
On Monday, Tim went into work for a few hours, then came home and played Legos with Aiden. The kids and I took a nap after that, but my husband took a long phone call with a friend who has recently returned home from his military training. When the kids and I got up, it was time to leave for my dad's house, where we were taking the kids to play in their little swimming pool and to enjoy a family barbeque. Tim was so tired from our very long and busy weekend and since he hadn't napped, he said he didn't think he could make it through the barbeque. He stayed home to sleep and I took the kids to the barbeque. It was nice and relaxing at my dad's and I even got some cute pictures Aiden in the pool! Caitlin was entirely too wiggly to capture on film, but she wore an adorable pink ballerina tutu swimsuit which I got at Target and will snap a picture of sometime this summer, I promise!

Tim worked Tuesday morning, but then had some business to take care of downtown, so he had the rest of the day off. After finishing his downtown errand, Tim surprised us all and took us to Toys R Us where he bought Aiden some Lego "otocycles" : )

Aiden insists on sleeping, eating, and riding in the car with these little guys and we have had to set some ground rules, so they don't get lost in the car, or dunked in his morning cheerios. Another very real scenario: Caitlin could eat a little Lego man arm or helmet and I think it would probably cause Aiden more distress than it would her. We already have a general rule of no toys at the table when we are eating, but we have now added no toys in bed at naptime (Aiden started staying awake to play with his new toys until the very end of naptime, when he would fall asleep and very crankily protest being woken up a half hour later and continue being a grouch until bedtime- this made everyone miserable!) The other new rule has left our little Lego buddies housebound because they are so small that I am afraid I could never find tiny Lego motorcycle goggles in our car, which is where they would surely fall off and get lost, if given a chance.
That was the majority of our weekend excitement and I almost forgot an appointment that I had this morning, because it simply did not seem like I would be starting off my "regular" weekday activities on a Wednesday. Well, this is sure to feel like a short week and I will try to post after my brother-in-law's graduation tomorrow to let everyone know how it went!